Get to Know: Reid Randall
Reid Randall
Nationwide West
States covered: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Utah
☎️: 269-277-1288
Work Experience
I joined Nationwide Marketing Group as an MSM in August 2018. Prior to that, I spent 20 years in sales at Whirlpool, where I worked as an account manager, training manager, key accounts, sales rep and premium account manager. I also served in the National Guard for 10 years.
Bachelor of Science in International Business / Marketing and Master of Business Administration from Brigham Young University
Total years of experience with the independent channel/retail
I have worked with Independent retailers for 22 years.
What motivates you to get up and go to work for the Independent retailer every day?
I love to meet and collaborate with retail owners on how we can best grow their business and help them thrive. Building relationships and helping Independent businesses is what I love to do!
Tell us about your role at NMG.
My job is to help my Members be successful every single day and, with NMG’s expertise, constantly bring them new ideas and strategies to help build up business, create more profit and reduce stress.
Why did you want to come work at NMG?
I was an account manager for Whirlpool and worked with buying groups throughout my career. Nationwide was always a group that I loved to work for, and when the chance to “come back home” presented itself, I was all in. Nationwide is a great company to work for and has the same values that I hold to.
Why do you think NMG is the best buying group for Independent retailers in today’s climate?
I think that Nationwide is truly here to help its Members. Nationwide has the best industry leaders in each category to help give the Members the buying power and expertise needed to thrive! I enjoy representing Nationwide as I meet with my Members on a daily basis.
What is the most important project you are working on right now, and why?
I am working on a document to help our Members and prospects understand the real benefits of what Nationwide has to offer. Everything from digital to finance to product protection.
What is your favorite memory from your time at NMG?
My favorite memory so far has been reconnecting with some of the Members I knew 16 years ago when I was an account manager representing Whirlpool.
What do you like most about your job?
Building relationships with my Members and getting out to meet them face-to-face. I love that aspect of my job!!! Helping them grow their business is very rewarding.
What else do you want people to know about you and NMG?
I have four children and spend most of my free time with family. I do golf (I’m not great at it) and enjoy being active and being around people. My guiding principle is to treat everyone like you would want to be treated. It seems so simple but, at times, can be hard to do.