

198: What Does 2024 Have in Store for Custom Integrators?

198: What Does 2024 Have in Store for Custom Integrators?

Hank Alexander, director of Oasys, recaps a roller coaster 2023 and looks ahead to the opportunities coming down the pike for custom integrators.

197: An Economic Update, and Tips to Leverage Business & Financial Services in Your Retail Operation

197: An Economic Update, and Tips to Leverage Business & Financial Services in Your Retail Operation

In the face of economic uncertainty (and the typical weight of an election year cycle), independent retailers have a number of different levers they can pull to not only protect their business, but ensure that they realize meaningful success this year.

196: Independent Retailers Remained Resilient in ’23, So What’s In Store for ’24?

196: Independent Retailers Remained Resilient in ’23, So What’s In Store for ’24?

To kick off a new year of the Independent Thinking Podcast, we check in with NMG’s EVP of Membership Patrick Maloney who has his finger on the pulse of this channel. After a brief recap of the roller coaster that was 2023, we look ahead to the areas of opportunity for independent retailers in 2024.

195: What Is a Strong Brand, and What Does It Take To Build One?

195: What Is a Strong Brand, and What Does It Take To Build One?

Your brand is everything. It’s what you stand for. It’s what your customers see when they engage with you. It’s the image that comes to mind when others think about you. But what does it take to build a brand – and a strong one at that? We sat down with Rob White, VP of Brand and Strategy for NMG, to dive into that and a whole lot more.

194: NMG and NASEO Work Together to Tackle the Inflation Reduction Act

194: NMG and NASEO Work Together to Tackle the Inflation Reduction Act

To learn more about how NMG is working with the National Association of State Energy Officials, we sat down with David Terry, President of NASEO. We get into the work the organization does on behalf of its members, how the Inflation Reduction Act has impacted their day to day, and more.