

176: NKBA Dives Into the Details of Its First-Ever Independent Showroom Report

176: NKBA Dives Into the Details of Its First-Ever Independent Showroom Report

The National Kitchen & Bath Association recently released the results of its first-ever study on the current (and future) state of the independent showroom segment. To help make sense of the troves of data the report uncovered, we invited Tricia Zach, head of research at NKBA, onto the podcast.

175: Pumping Up Plumbing Fixtures and Hardware with Palazzani

175: Pumping Up Plumbing Fixtures and Hardware with Palazzani

If you’re in the appliance industry and not also selling kitchen and bathroom hardware, it’s likely you’re missing out on a major revenue generator. Mani Majano, VP of sales and brand management at Palazzani, shares some brand and industry updates on the category.

174: Discussing Workflow Efficiencies with the Process Architect Jason Sayen

174: Discussing Workflow Efficiencies with the Process Architect Jason Sayen

Jason Sayen, founder of I am Sayen, is a professional process fixer. While his experience centers around the custom integration channel, the work he does is applicable beyond the world of CI. We dive into the importance of process management, common struggles, creating buy in across your organization and much more.

173: The Benefits of a Tech Stack Review with AppDirect

173: The Benefits of a Tech Stack Review with AppDirect

When’s the last time you checked to see how much you’re spending on phone, internet, security software and other business technology solutions? We sat down with Jason DiFulvio, director of channel sales for AppDirect, to talk about how they’re finding hidden savings for retailers and much more.

172: Launching Ellipsys, Nationwide’s New Commercial Integration Group

172: Launching Ellipsys, Nationwide’s New Commercial Integration Group

Ellipsys Commercial Technology Group, a new network of commercial integration businesses and vendor partners within Nationwide, will make its debut this week at a major industry trade show. Ahead of that event, we sat down with Chris Whitley, who’s been charged with leading and growing that group.