

133: Catching Up with Buddy’s Home Furnishings at PrimeTime

133: Catching Up with Buddy’s Home Furnishings at PrimeTime

While we were together in Orlando for Nationwide’s PrimeTime show, we took the opportunity to chat with a local Member in the rent-to-own space, Buddy’s Home Furnishings. Mitchell Lee, director of franchise development for Buddy’s, spoke on the business, the team’s growth strategy and more.

132: Exploring New Business Development at Nationwide Marketing Group

132: Exploring New Business Development at Nationwide Marketing Group

What does the new business development process look like for Nationwide Marketing Group? To find the answer we turn to Nationwide’s Vice President of Business Development Derek Mattila — the guy behind countless new partnerships the group has formed over the past few years, and the launch of the home improvement category.

131: Defining Attainable Luxury with ZLINE Kitchen

131: Defining Attainable Luxury with ZLINE Kitchen

A brand that’s still too young to get its driver’s license, ZLINE Kitchen has been making major waves in the appliance industry of late. With a year of working with the Nationwide Marketing Group team under its belt, we sit down with ZLINE to talk shop. Mason Watkins, marketing director, and Derek Frye, director of sales, share a behind-the-scenes look at what differentiates ZLINE in the attainable luxury category.

130: A Deep Dive Into the World of Rent-to-Own with Keven Dalke

130: A Deep Dive Into the World of Rent-to-Own with Keven Dalke

How different, really, is the Rent-to-Own industry from traditional retail? To get at that answer, we turned to Nationwide Marketing Group’s resident expert on the RTO industry, Keven Dalke. While there are certainly some very defined differences, retail and Rent-to-Own still have plenty in common.

129: Silica For Your Home Shares Their Secrets for Sustained Success

129: Silica For Your Home Shares Their Secrets for Sustained Success

The team at Silica For Your Home in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, hit a major one this year with their 100th anniversary. We took the opportunity to talk with third- and fourth-generation owners Tom and Josh Schneider and get their take on what Silica has gotten right over the last century.