by Rob Stott | Jan 25, 2022
Nationwide Marketing Group’s Vice President of Consumer Electronics Lee McDonald jumps on the Independent Thinking Podcast to recap the things he saw out in Las Vegas during CES 2022. Among the trends identified: new innovations in TV tech, some smart home updates, and more.
by Rob Stott | Jan 18, 2022
In a word, 2021 was busy for the team at Howard’s in Southern California. And 2022 looks to be more of the same as the retailer gets set to expand into more markets. We sat down with President and CEO John Riddle and Chief Customer Experience Officer Michelle Nein to talk about their growth strategy, which has included two recent acquisitions and the planned opening of several new experience centers throughout the region.
by Rob Stott | Jan 11, 2022
The ceramic Komodo-style grill space can be a rather intimidating one for consumers. New Nationwide vendor partner Vision Grills explains how their product — and the game-changing quick-change gas technology that it supports — is helping to retailers simplify the story for their customers.
by Rob Stott | Dec 14, 2021
This week marks a major milestone for our Independent Thinking Podcast — 100 episodes! It’s been an incredibly fast two years of publishing interviews, so we’re taking a second to pause and reflect on some of our favorite sound bites.
by Rob Stott | Dec 7, 2021
Nationwide Marketing Group’s VP of Consumer Electronics Lee McDonald looks back on a humbling 2021 and projects what’s to come for the industry in 2022.