

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

Steve Mahler is the director of Point of Sale (POS) for Nationwide Marketing Group and the perfect guy to talk to if you’re interested in learning everything there is to know about POS. He spoke with us about how POS has evolved over the years and the many benefits retailers can realize by utilizing the right POS for their business. 

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

21: John Riddle on Howard’s Retail Strategy in the Age of COVID-19

The novel coronavirus has had an impact on nearly every aspect of our daily lives — and the same holds true for retail. John Riddle, president and CEO of Howard’s, shares how the Southern California retailer has adjusted to this “new normal.”

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

20: Exploring the Great Outdoors with John Laing, Nationwide’s Outdoor Guru

The outdoor category presents a massive opportunity to independent retailers of all shapes and sizes — and no one can explain why better than Nationwide’s own John Laing, director of outdoor. 

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

19: How Orsini’s Has Stayed Afloat During the Coronavirus Crisis

PJ Orsini, a third-generation retail owner, has seen business boom during the coronavirus crisis. How? He’s leaned into new digital offerings and capitalized on the Paycheck Protection Program. He walks us through the past few weeks at Orsini’s.

22: A Deep Dive Into the Evolving Role of Point of Sale Systems in Retail

18: Checking In On the State of Furniture & Bedding with Jeff Rose

The past few weeks haven’t been too kind to the independent furniture and bedding retailers around the country. As COVID-19 continues to dominate headlines, Nationwide’s F&B team — lead by Jeff Rose — has been hard at working giving dealers the resources they need to continue serving their communities.