

12: On Servicing the Connected Home with Tech Smart USA

12: On Servicing the Connected Home with Tech Smart USA

Chris Carey, CEO of Tech Smart USA, talks about the services his company offers and the opportunity the independent retail channel has in helping customers overcome the challenges in the connected home category.

12: On Servicing the Connected Home with Tech Smart USA

11: WithIt Grooms the Next Generation of Women Leaders

WithIt Executive Director Amy Van Dorp chats about the group’s mission to help women across various industries develop their business skills — and about their partnership with the WIN: Women in Nationwide network.

12: On Servicing the Connected Home with Tech Smart USA

10: We Sit Down with Independent We Stand at PrimeTime in Houston

See what we did there? Bill Brunelle of Independent We Stand spoke with us about all of the tremendous resources IWS has made available to the independent retail channel.

12: On Servicing the Connected Home with Tech Smart USA

9: Astronaut Mike Massimino Shares Several Out-Of-This-World Leadership Lessons

Former NASA Astronaut Mike Massimino, fresh off of a keynote at Nationwide Marketing Group’s PrimeTime show in Houston, shares stories from space and relates some of the things he learned to the independent retail channel.

8: Meet Perch & Nest, the Company Behind NMG’s Tiny Smart Home

8: Meet Perch & Nest, the Company Behind NMG’s Tiny Smart Home

Johanna Elsner, co-owner of tiny home manufacturing firm Perch & Nest, joins the Independent Thinking Podcast to talk about what it took to bring Nationwide Marketing Group’s Tiny Smart Home to life.