Preparing for Holiday Season: It’s Never Too Late to Make Your Seasonal Sales Great

Written by Amy Croom

November 10, 2023

Holiday shoppers are coming soon — are you ready? While some forecasts suggest that this season’s shopping may not be the huge rush we’ve seen previously, there are still wins to be had. Especially for retailers who can deliver an amazing multi-channel experience, both online and in-store, and serve their customers with the most knowledgeable and dedicated sales associates in the market. And since these are all hallmarks of the Independent retailer, it’s a safe bet that Nationwide Marketing Group Members have the competitive edge.

Looking for more concrete ways to help your business win this holiday season? Check out these tips our Vendor Partners shared while at PrimeTime in Nashville this past August. And don’t worry if you feel like you’re behind. Remember, your NMG Field Support Team and vendor representatives are ready and waiting to help you maximize your returns.

Discounts are top of mind for consumers this year, so take advantage of all the promotions and marketing support available to drive traffic.

Time and time again in Nashville, our partners reiterated that we’re in an aggressive marketplace, so it may feel more difficult than usual to draw in customers or close a sale.

One valuable insight we discussed with GEA’s Tim Matis, executive director of advertising, and Ryan West, executive director of refrigeration, is that consumers are more price conscious now than ever before, across all price points. Which means you’ll need some extra support to help stand out from Big Box competitors.

One tool that can help is vendor-created marketing assets. GEA touted their impressive marketing promotions, which are available to all Nationwide Members for free, and there are similar resources available from our other partners as well. Be sure to check out MemberNet for the most up-to-date information on Q4 opportunities, and make sure you’re using – and featuring – every discount you can to help remain competitive.

Focus on creating personalized experiences and differentiated offers to attract shoppers.

GEA executives also stressed the importance of driving foot traffic this year. While nearly every shopper starts their journey online, consumers still deeply value in-store experiences and in-person connections with smart, helpful salespeople. So, break out the holiday decorations and focus your outreach on the community connections that make your store unique.

If you need more staff coverage during your holiday hours, check out JobPath, a workforce matching tool that connects employers with job seekers who are veterans, soon-to-be veterans and veteran family members. The service is completely free for Nationwide Members. Visit MemberNet to learn more.

Align your in-store traffic and digital offerings to convert more sales.

One interesting idea for converting shoppers into customers came from Wells Fargo Retail Services. Steve Jermier, Wells Fargo’s senior vice president of business development / relationship management, shared more about the company’s newest marketing program, which allows retailers to place QR code stickers in their stores that link to consumer financing applications. The customer uses their own device to scan the code and complete the financing application at their convenience.

This is a great tool because it eliminates many of the stress factors that can occur at the during a sale. Plus, it’s paperless, showing your commitment to both environmental and identity theft concerns. And, according to Jermier and other execs we spoke to at PrimeTime, those “let me go home and think about it” types of customers are far more likely to convert even after they leave your store. Want to learn more about Wells Fargo QR codes for your store? Just visit the Wells Fargo Retail Services page on MemberNet.

To summarize, personal experiences and unique offers will set you apart. As an Independent business owner, you have some major advantages when it comes to this season’s holiday shoppers. And while we expect shoppers to be more price sensitive and discount-focused, remember that Nationwide Marketing Group and our Vendor Partner network are here to make sure you have a very happy – and profitable – holiday season.

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